AdMob Instructions

Use these instructions to generate AdMob AdUnit IDs for your app.

Step 1: Creating an app on Admob

  1. Login to Admob and click on Apps->ADD APP

  2. On the next page choose No as we are creating a new app.

  3. On the next page, enter the app name and choose platform as Android amd click ADD.

  4. Click on NEXT:CREATE AD UNIT to proceed.

Step 2: Generating the Ad Unit IDs

After your project is created, you can generate AD Unit IDs for Banner, Interstitial or Video Ads

  1. After Ad Unit is created (as shown in previous step), you can click on SELECT on any of the Banner, Interstitial or Rewarded. Let us choose Banner first.

  2. For Banner Ads, enter name and click on CREATE AD UNIT.

  3. The Ad Unit is now created. Copy the App ID and AdUnit ID as shown below and store it in a safe location.

  4. Repeat previous 2 steps (steps 2 and 3) for Interstitial Ads also as shown below.

  5. For Rewarded Ads / Video Ads, similar process is followed as shown below. Few additional options like reward amount and Reward item name are additional.

Step 3:Using the Ad Unit IDs in your App

After your Ad Units are created,you need to enter the IDs in your app at MyBizAppmaker

  1. Go to Mobile App section on and click on View App
    After you are redirected to MyBizAppmaker Projects Page, click on Edit for your project.
    This is shown below.

  2. In the Ad Details tab, enter your Ad Unit IDs in the appropriate locations as shown below.

  3. Your AdMob setup is now complete..