Firebase Instructions

Use these instructions to generate JSON file to enable push notifications via the Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) service for your app.

Step 1: Creating a project on the Firebase Console

Before using FCM in your app, you must create a new project by following the steps below.

  1. Login to Firebase Console

  2. Create a new Project by clicking on Add Project

  3. On the next page, enter the project name here and click Create Project to continue.

  4. After the project creation is completed,you will be moved to next step.
    In this step, choose android platform (shown by yellow arrow and circle in second image below).

  5. After choosing platform android, you will be moved to this page. Here you need to add the package name of your app (you can get it from your app in MyBizAppMaker ) and the other details (optional) as shown below. After entering the details, click on Register app.

Step 2: Getting and using the JSON File

After your project is created, you can get the google-services.json file which will be required to activate and use FCM

  1. After registering the app (as done in previous step), you should see the page as shown below. Click on Download google-services.json to download the .json file.
    Then click on Next. On the next page also, click Next.

  2. On your MyBizAppmaker Projects Page, click on Edit for your project and in the Basic Details section, upload the JSNON file in the Google Services JSON File.
    This is shown below.

  3. Finally, build your app from the Build tab. Then download the apk file using Download APK option in the build tab.
    After you install the app and open it, FCM will be activated and the process will be completed on firebase console also. The Continue to console should now be active.
    This completes the FCM setup process for your app.

Step 3: Getting and using the FCM Server Key

Just as the google-services.json file is needed in your android app (as shown in previous step), you also need the FCM Server key in order to send push notifications from your site.

  1. Go to your Project Dashboard and Go to Project Overview->Project Settings.

  2. From The Cloud Messaging tab, copy the Server Key and Sender ID as shown below. STORE THESE CAREFULLY IN A SAFE LOCATION.

    If InnateApps Push needs to be enabled for your app,use this Sender ID in Push DetailsSection of your App.

  3. Use the key copied above into yours site's configuration settings.